( Pierot und Columbine, oleh Jean-Antoine Watteau)
(gambar diambil dari wikipedia.org)

I wonder, why you did nothing for your love, Pierrot? When Columbine left you for Harlequin, why you still kept in silence? Pierrot oh Pierrot. Women is a women, Pierrot. If you have been fight Harlequin, may Columbine chose you.

Yes, you are right. And Harlequin is the best man who can make Columbine happy. And it was enough for me to know that my love, Columbine, is happy. Even it is without me.

You are miserable, Pierrot! How you can happy without your love?

Because I'm Pierrot, a miserable clown.

*) Harlequin, Columbine, and Pierrot adalah tokoh dalam pertunjukan pantomim dan teater Commedia dell'Arte. Ada banyak versi mengenai cerita mereka bertiga. Salah satu versinya adalah hubungan ketiganya yang terjebak dalam cinta segitiga yang rumit ala abad pertengahan. Untuk lebih jauhnya, silahkan cari di Go*gle.

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